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Trumpcare Again Defeated in Senate

STATEMENT IN RESPONSE TO REPORTS THAT REPUBLICAN SENATORS HAVE DECIDED AGAINST BRINGING THE GRAHAM-CASSIDY HEALTH CARE REPEAL BILL UP FOR A VOTE Statement by MoveOn Washington Director Ben Wikler: “The GOP attempt to rip coverage away from millions of Americans has once again crumbled in the face of furious opposition. But it’s now clear that […]

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MoveOn members endorse Jones for Senate in Alabama

MoveOn.org Members Vote to Endorse Democrat Doug Jones for Alabama Special Senate Election  Progressive Organization Calls on Democrats to Follow Jones’ Lead and Vigorously Contest House and Senate Seats in All Parts of the Country ALABAMA —Alabama members of MoveOn.org Political Action voted overwhelmingly in support of Democratic candidate Doug Jones for the state’s special election for […]

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MoveOn members endorse Northam, legislative candidates in Virginia

Virginia MoveOn Members Endorse Ralph Northam for Governor, Justin Fairfax for Lt. Governor Progressive Group’s Members Also Endorse Diverse Slate of 11 Candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates VIRGINIA — Virginia members of MoveOn.org Political Action have voted overwhelmingly to endorse Ralph Northam for Governor, Justin Fairfax for Lt. Governor, and 11 candidates for the House of […]

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MoveOn.org on Trump’s Elimination of DACA

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, issued the following statement: “If reports are true and Trump is ending DACA, he will cross yet another moral line. This action will be another sign that Trump’s Administration is advancing a white supremacist agenda over what the strong majority of Americans want from our government. There […]

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MoveOn: RNC Resolution Condemning White Supremacists Without Mentioning Trump’s Comments Offensive, Shameful

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, responded to news that the Republican National Committee approved a resolution reading “Nazis, the KKK, white supremacists and others are repulsive, evil and have no fruitful place in the United States,” without mentioning Donald Trump, who has fueled white supremacists with his remarks in response to Charlottesville: […]

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Thousands of MoveOn members join August #ResistanceRecess, fighting for #MedicareForAll and to end white supremacy

With Congress in recess, MoveOn members have been showing up at congressional town halls to demand that Congress censure Trump for failing to unequivocally denounce white supremacy after the Charlottesville terror attack, to advance Medicare for All and accountability for Republicans who voted to take away health care, and to resist Trump’s destructive agenda. And […]

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