News Of High School Shooting Breaks Just As Biden Speaks With Gun Rights Groups

We cannot take action quickly enough. Let’s move this forward. WATCH:
We cannot take action quickly enough. Let’s move this forward. WATCH:
Would you like a little influenza with your cheddar biscuits? WATCH:
In the race for New York State Senate between Democrat Cecilia Tkaczyk and Republican George Amedore, with hundreds of ballots left to be counted, the final margin of 37 votes allowed a NY state judge to certify Amedore as the winner. By failing to count the remaining ballots and failing to address technical problems, voters were disenfranchised by the Board of Elections’ improper guidance. In response, Carole Furman and Barbara Bravo started a MoveOn Petition demanding every vote to be counted.
House Republicans, you’ve failed. Big time. WATCH:
WARNING: Some language NSFW.
Beautiful pearls of wisdom from a warrior for the planet.
American priorities need a realignment.
In recent years, there has been an increasing number of reports from around Minnesota, including White Bear Lake, of pets being killed by body grip traps. These traps often catch non-target wildlife species, even rare and endangered animals. After his dog was lured into a body grip trap, Scott Slocum started a MoveOn Petition urging the White Bear Township Board to protect pets and children from traps.
He holds it together at first, and then around the 2:20 mark he comes totally unhinged. WATCH:
There are too many actors in this to list, but they all have an incredibly serious question.
In the words of Pat Kelsey, we need to step up.