SIGN THE PETITION: Open a Civil Rights Case Against George Zimmerman

Implore the Justice Department to open a civil rights case against George Zimmerman
Implore the Justice Department to open a civil rights case against George Zimmerman
No, seriously. What the hell Texas? What the hell . . .
Ummm. Right. Found on
No doubt, there are some pockets of country music fans who’ll have some kind of ugly, homophobic observations to shriek about. But it’s going to touch a whole lot more right in the cockles of their hearts.
Ahem, we’re looking at you Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, Wisconsin . . .
Today, led by North Carolina resident Shawn Trimble, MoveOn members gathered at North Carolina’s Capitol building to deliver a petition with more than 11,000 signature to members of the legislature and Governor McCrory.
Oh, you came to tell the truth? They have ways of shutting that whole thing down.
“Oh, you just wanted to get a glass of water, did you? KABOOM!”
Celebrate the 4th of July this year by sharing the 4th amendment.
Developers in the San Francisco bay area wanted to build a 12 story basketball arena and entertainment complex over open bay waters, circumventing the environmental regulatory process. So Jamie Whitaker and the San Francisco Waterfront Alliance created a MoveOn Petition to enforce stronger environmental regulations on future developments.