Average Corporate CEO Makes 200 Times More Than A Navy SEAL
In just one year’s time, a CEO averages $11,000,000, while a Navy SEAL brings in only $54,000.
In just one year’s time, a CEO averages $11,000,000, while a Navy SEAL brings in only $54,000.
And did we mention the multicolored plastic bag tidal wave?
There’s nothing like a child’s point of view to help adults understand reality. Watch it:
Oklahoma’s House decided to not let Sally Kern’s racist and sexist remarks slide, and took a vote to officially rebuke her.
Surprised? So were we. And what percentage of those are teens? That answer’s going to surprise you, too. Check it out:
Minnesota State Rep. Steve Simon gets to the heart of the gay marriage issue in less than three minutes. Watch:
Robert Reich rips into the McCaskill-Corker bill, in the way that only a super-smart former Labor Secretary can.
The best four minutes from last night’s Colbert Report.
Save some cool for the rest of us, First Lady.
More and more every day, and it’s bad for democracy. That’s what Eli Pariser says in this popular TED talk, which received a standing ovation from the audience.