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Author: MoveOn

MoveOn Launches “Banned Bookmobile” Tour Distributing Banned Books & Highlighting DeSantis’s Bans and MAGA Extremism

Washington, D.C. – As reported in Politico today, MoveOn Political Action announced the launch of its first “Banned Bookmobile” multistate tour to sound alarms on Governor Ron DeSantis’s censorship and the rising wave of GOP book bans across the country. The Banned Bookmobile will distribute some of the most frequently banned books as it makes its […]

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MAGA Judges Shamefully Invalidate Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation, Taking Away Economic Relief for 40 Million Americans

Washington, D.C. – In response to the Supreme Court’s decision in Biden v. Nebraska, MoveOn Political Action will speak alongside borrowers and allies from the Student Borrower Protection Center (SBPC), Young Invincibles, NAACP, MoveOn, Student Debt Crisis Center, Center for Responsible Lending, We the 45, and more today at noon ET in front of the […]

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MoveOn Sends Letter to Secretaries of State to Investigate No Labels for Misleading Voters

Washington, D.C. – As reported by The Messenger today, MoveOn Political Action is sending a letter to all secretaries of state to urge election officials to investigate No Labels’ electoral activities as the dark-money group attempts to qualify to appear on the ballot in all 50 states. MoveOn’s calls for an investigation follows Maine’s Secretary […]

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