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Author: MoveOn

What’s a MoveOn Election Party? Save Democracy and Meet New People.

It’s hard to see things happen in the world and feel like you don’t know what to do or how to help.  If you’ve been worried by things like Project 2025, SCOTUS’s corruption, and Trump’s convictions, then you’re not alone, and there are ways you can help save our democracy.  Meet like-minded people and contribute […]

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People-Powered Progress: April 2024 MoveOn Member Newsletter

MoveOn members are the driving force behind our impact. This newsletter celebrates the remarkable progress your generosity has powered. Thank you for all you do to protect democracy and lead the resistance against the radical right. With your support, together we are creating a better future, rooted in equality, sustainability, justice, and love. Not a […]

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.