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What Do We Do? A Letter From Rahna

Dear MoveOn member,

We may be living through one of the most challenging, turbulent, and unsettling political environments of our lifetimes. Anxiety is high as we get closer to Election Day, and the stakes of this election are even higher, as the two competing visions for the future of our country—one embodied by President Biden and the other by former President Trump—could not be further apart. But the devastating shooting that took place this weekend at Trump’s rally heightened the concerning moment we find ourselves in even further.

First off, let’s be clear: Political violence, and any violence, is abhorrent and absolutely unacceptable under any circumstances. We grieve the loss of life at Trump’s rally and are hoping for the swift recovery of all those injured.

As we process this moment, we also understand the importance of this coming election. This election isn’t just about the choice between two different candidates—in fact, it’s about the choice between two different futures. In one future, where Biden’s leadership continues, we can organize to expand our rights, protect our communities, and use the power of the federal government to advance climate justice, economic justice, racial justice, and more. Under a Trump presidency, we’ll be back to the daily chaos and the struggle of stopping the worst of his attempts to divide us, further dismantle democratic norms, and roll back our rights and freedoms.

We believe in settling our differences at the ballot box and through participatory democracy. For over 25 years, MoveOn members have been taking collective action to make an impact in elections and in the halls of Congress. This is what our peaceful and vibrant community has always been about. And in moments like these, it gives me great hope to think about how, time after time, MoveOn members have come together to support one another and carve out a path toward progress.

Right now, and since the spring, MoveOn members across the country have been doing the critical work of reaching out to voters in swing states and districts, to remind them of what’s at stake in this election. Learn more about our Vote Mobilizers program and sign up here.

When the problems are so big and the hill seems too steep to climb, it’s easy to lose hope and believe that maybe we are powerless. We may not be able to control and fix everything that is wrong with our political climate right now, but let’s not forget that we have a HUGE amount of power when we take action together.

MoveOn members have a more than 25-year history of coming together to defy the political conventional wisdom and change what we believe is possible. We came together to elect President Biden and Vice President Harris in 2020. We helped prevent the predicted “red wave” in 2022. Last year, our Banned Bookmobile traveled the country to hand out banned books in communities impacted by the GOP’s draconian policies. And this year, if we find it within ourselves to get back up on our feet and come together once again, we can defeat the MAGA agenda at the ballot box and elect another Democratic trifecta to continue to make progress.

Right now, we have incredible power to talk to potential voters. We, the people, are the most powerful messengers to persuade voters. MoveOn’s election program to motivate surge voters is in full swing, with voter contact parties taking place twice a month. These infrequent voters are more likely to sit out the election but, if given an extra nudge to vote, can ensure we elect a Democratic trifecta in November.

Join our work to elect decision-makers who put people over politics and represent civility in political discourse. Click here to learn more about our election program and find out how you can be a part of this critical work—to rebuild what’s broken and create a better future.

We don’t yet know how this will all play out, and conditions continue to shift day by day, hour by hour. But we do know this: No matter where the chips fall, the stakes of this election are incredibly high, and we need to continue our work contacting voters in earnest, in order to preserve our democracy, our rights, and our freedoms.

While the events of the past couple of weeks have heightened the uncertainty and concern that we’re all feeling in this moment, one thing is clear: We are the ones who will write the future. Every conversation held with a voter, every postcard sent, and every text message to remind someone to vote matters. It will all add up, over the coming months, to motivate the tens of thousands of voters in key states who will determine the outcome of this election.

Join MoveOn members across the country and raise your hand to help carve the path we all deserve.

Thanks for all you do.

–Rahna Epting