Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionMeanwhile, Cornel West Facing Scrutiny for Potentially Illegal Coordination With Republicans
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As Vice President Kamala Harris has successfully reset the presidential race in Democrats’ favor, this week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. continued to sink lower and lower to stay relevant.
In Texas, RFK Jr. is accused of falsifying a majority of his petition signatures to “overwhelm the system.” A review by the Texas Democratic Party’s voter protection director found that 70% of the 245,000 signatures his campaign submitted “failed miserably” to meet the state’s election laws’ basic criteria.
Meanwhile, perhaps it was his anemic fundraising numbers and a lack of a viable path to victory that led RFK Jr. to beg Donald Trump for a job. RFK Jr. also told an audience of crypto enthusiasts that it would be “wonderful” if Trump wins.
RFK Jr. is also facing scrutiny for his latest extreme policy proposal: sending drug users – including children as well as adults who take medication for depression, anxiety, and ADHD (!!!) – to “wellness farms” that evoke labor camps.
Meanwhile, Cornel West is also under fire – including a complaint filed with the FEC – for taking help from Republican operatives to get on the ballot in multiple states. In Michigan, he faces a challenge for submitting petitions “infested with forged signatures”; in Arizona and North Carolina, he’s accused of taking illegal in-kind contributions from Republican-aligned groups. West is also facing heat for using Republican Party lawyers with a history of defending voter suppression to try to sue his way onto the ballot in North Carolina.
Read more of this week’s news about third-party spoilers:
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