Become a Vote Mobilizer
Vote Mobilizers are our election program leaders who will drive voter contact efforts in their area and across the country!
Join NowEveryone in the 47% has a story. What’s yours?
Check out these brave people who’ve responded to Mitt Romney’s comment that 47% of Americans think of themselves as “victims” and will never “take responsibility for their lives.” And if you think there’s one response in particular that we should feature more, let us know by upvoting it with the “like” button!
We’ll be adding to this list, so submit your story here!
Submitted by Donna & Bruce StClair from Forest, Virginia. Upvote their response:
Submitted by DeEtte Beghtol Waleed from Moltnomah, Oregon. Upvote her response:
Submitted by tasteedlite. Upvote her response:
Submitted by osujam1973. Upvote her response:
Submitted by kaybee1945 Upvote his response:
Submitted by Marlene Winkelbauer-Hurt. Upvote her response:
Submitted by ybbob4. Upvote his response:
Thanks for making it all the way down this page! We’ll be adding to this list, so please consider submitting your story here!