Rachel Maddow On How The Republican Party Hasn’t Learned One Damned Thing

It’s like the Republican party shot itself in the foot, and is now reloading.
It’s like the Republican party shot itself in the foot, and is now reloading.
Well said.
This is one to share. We miss you, Harvey. WATCH:
The “voice of God,” marriage equality, and freedom. What more do you want?!
Tennessee tries to ban teachers from using the words “gay” or “homosexual.” Openly gay actor George Takei (Sulu, of the original “Star Trek” series) responds.
They know literally ALL of your weaknesses.
What being on the right side of history is all about.
Imagine what the next four years could look like.
He did all of this in less than four years! Imagine what he could do with FOUR MORE!
We’ve come too far to turn back.