A Powerful Question From The Daughter Of Sandy Hook’s Slain Principal To A Senator Who Failed Us All

We’re still waiting for an acceptable answer, Senator Ayotte.
We’re still waiting for an acceptable answer, Senator Ayotte.
This was made to be shared. WARNING: Not suitable for viewers who suffer from gun violence trauma.
Lori Haas’ daughter was in French class at Virginia Tech when she was shot twice in the head. Incredibly, she survived. Lori is working hard to prevent gun violence and she’s making progress. WATCH:
Because, really, what can you say to this? WATCH:
The choice has never been simpler. Protect our kids, or protect the profits of gun manufacturers. Click here to see what YOU can do.
Goodbye, common sense.
They, along with Drake, will have you singing this song all day.
Here’s a glimpse into what one man is doing. WATCH:
Interesting and informative discussion on how we can get the attention of our elected officials.
Something we can all get behind.