What A Wonderful World This Would Be
What if more of us were like this?
What if more of us were like this?
Can you imagine what our country would be like today if this had passed back then?
It was the classic bait ‘n switch. Watch:
This much.
Good ol’ Russ comes back to Madison, WI and issues a resounding proclamation. Watch:
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said he could explain the problems with the economy in less than 2 minutes, 15 seconds—and he did it (with illustrations to boot). It’s great! Check it out.
Another example of where the GOP’s priorities lie.
Everyone receives a different gift from the government. Here’s yours.
A simple video chart (vart? chardeo?), animated and one minute long, makes it easy for even the GOP to understand what’s going on.
Whaddya say, was it worth it?