The Best Summary Of The Tea Party Smackdown We’ve Seen Yet
Watch the entire clip if you can, but if not, start at 3:40. Or 12:50. Oh, just watch the whole thing!
Watch the entire clip if you can, but if not, start at 3:40. Or 12:50. Oh, just watch the whole thing!
It’s private and people usually do it alone. WATCH:
*He may not have actually been the founder of Facebook, our sources are telling us. WATCH:
And your Bubbe, too.
Check the short clip and see if you’re right. WATCH:
Who can you be a Vote Buddy to? WATCH:
This video is kind of awesome. But it also has some gratuitous sexual content, so watch it but only if you’re not at work, or easily offended, or around innocent children.
Who do *you* trust to serve and protect our country?
Share this minute-long clip to make it clear why EVERYONE needs to vote. WATCH: