Join Our Campaign to Fight Back Against the Kochs

Robert Reich explains how America has a Koch problem.
MoveOn members are organizing America Has a Koch Problem house parties June 28 & 29 — sign up to find or host one in your community.
Statement by Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action, responding to the Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC which struck down aggregate limits on campaign spending by an individual:
We’re fighting the corrupting influence of big money with people power—like filling the streets with our allies to respond to the Supreme Court decision the day it comes out—and we’re doing it the MoveOn way, with a bunch of members chipping in a little bit.
S. 1975, a new election modernization bill in Massachusetts, would allow early voting, online voter registration, and preregistration, as well as other updates to make voting more fair. These reforms are vital for making elections accessible to as many Bay Staters as possible. That’s why Sara Brady of the organization MassVOTE started several MoveOn Petitions to the legislature, encouraging them to pass the bill.
Since President Obama was elected, Republican senators have been using the filibuster to block critical executive branch and judicial nominations. MoveOn members and progressive champs in the Senate, like Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, have been working tirelessly to pass meaningful filibuster reform and fix the dysfunction in Washington.
This year, the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act and dozens of U.S. states got busy introducing restrictive voting bills that would prevent poor, minority, and elderly voters from making it to the polls. Meanwhile, Massachusetts legislators were working to pass an election modernization bill that would allow online voter registration and early voting. That’s why Sara Brady of the organization MassVOTE started several MoveOn Petitions asking members of the Massachusetts General Court to stand up for the state’s voters and pass the bill.
“I am not a prop!” says Madison Kimrey. “I am part of the new generation of suffragettes, and I will not stand silent!”
Big news: Yesterday a deal finally emerged that would end the government shutdown and stop the U.S. from hitting the debt ceiling. This is a victory that MoveOn members helped create.