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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Accused of Falsifying Signatures on Texas Ballot Petitions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action condemns Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after his campaign has been accused of falsifying petition signatures to make it onto the ballot in Texas. 

In a letter to state election officials, Texas Democrats assert that RFK Jr. attempted to “overwhelm the system with bad signatures.” A review by the party’s voter protection director found that 70% of the 245,000 signatures his campaign submitted “failed miserably” to meet the state’s election laws’ basic criteria

Of course, this is not the first time RFK Jr. has been caught using dishonesty and scams to get onto a ballot. (See examples below.)

“It looks like, once again, RFK Jr. is trying to cheat his way onto the ballot this November. Texans don’t support RFK Jr.’s deeply unpopular and fringe agenda, so now he’s shamelessly resorting to deceptive, antivoter tactics,” said Britt Jacovich, MoveOn spokesperson. “RFK Jr.’s campaign is running out of steam. If he ever dreamed of living by values, he would drop out of the race and quit playing the role of Donald Trump’s puppet.”

Meanwhile, in New Jersey, a judge is set to decide on RFK Jr.’s eligibility for November’s ballot after a complaint citing a violation of the state’s “sore loser law,” which prohibits candidates from mounting an independent run after previously seeking votes for a major party nomination, as RFK Jr. did by seeking this year’s Democratic nomination. In North Carolina, supporters of Cornel West’s third-party presidential campaign are suing the State Board of Elections after it denied ballot access to West’s new party. 


  • In Colorado, RFK Jr. is attempting a back door to ballot access that undermines voters’ rights by attempting to co-opt the Libertarian Party’s ballot line, causing infighting within the Libertarian Party as many within the group question why they would let RFK Jr. onto their ballot line at all. 
  • In North Carolina, RFK Jr. and Cornel West are accused of ​​“misleading” voters who signed their petitions and violating a state law that requires newly formed political parties to tell signers what the general purpose and intent of their party is. 
  • West’s Justice for All Party authorized three people to pick up and drop off signatures for them in North Carolina. All three individuals are current or past employees of a Colorado-based Republican political firm called Blitz Canvassing, which has generated more than $14.6 million in payments for Never Back Down, the main Super PAC that supported Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. 
  • RFK Jr. is also awaiting hearings in New York about the validity of his signatures, as well as the home address he listed on his petition paperwork. He claimed his home is in New York, not in California, where he resides. 
  • In Delaware, RFK Jr. is working with the Independent Party of Delaware (IPD), which has known ties to extremist, right-wing individuals. Its vice chairman, Phil Dyer, attended the riot at the Capitol on January 6 and recently called for another
  • RFK Jr. is also working with the Natural Law Party of Michigan, which nominated him at a two-person convention led by a part-time magician, while leaders from the same party’s Florida branch called RFK Jr.’s campaign “scammers.” 
  • Trump allies publicly stated they were plotting to spoil the election against President Biden by backing third-party candidates, including Jill Stein, West, and RFK Jr. 


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