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MoveOn.org Launches New TV, Digital Ads in GA-06 with Six-Figure Buy Focused on Health Care

*** “RESPONSIBLE”: https://youtu.be/nKpLk9RmSkU ***
*** “THE VOID”: https://youtu.be/OvCf_p7Cyws ***

The 30-second spots highlight Ossoff’s support for the Affordable Care Act, drawing strong contrast with the deeply unpopular Trump/GOP health care plan.

GEORGIA — MoveOn.org Political Action launched a series of TV and digital ads in Georgia today in support of progressive House candidate Jon Ossoff, who MoveOn members in the district overwhelmingly voted to endorse recently.

The ads, which begin airing today as part of a six-figure TV and digital buy, focus on Ossoff’s support for maintaining and improving the Affordable Care Act and opposition to Republican-led efforts to dismantle it and take coverage away from millions.

*** See “Responsible” ad here: https://youtu.be/nKpLk9RmSkU ***
*** See “The Void” ad here: https://youtu.be/OvCf_p7Cyws ***

The spot builds on a new poll of likely special election voters commissioned by MoveOn.org that shows health care as GA-06 voters’ top issue, with a majority of respondents in the Republican-leaning district opposing the GOP’s health care plans, even as Republicans in Washington continue to try and pass their dangerous plan.

In addition to the new TV spot, MoveOn.org is running digital ads targeting likely voters in the district. MoveOn is also mobilizing its 15,000 members in the district to volunteer and vote, and MoveOn members have contributed more than $260,000 to Ossoff’s campaign since the group’s endorsement.

Ossoff is the sort of progressive champion—strong on both racial justice and economic justice—who can channel resistance movement energy into progressive volunteers and votes, and Republicans have done him a big favor with their efforts to repeal the ACA and kick tens of millions of people off of their health care,” said Anna Galland, interim executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action.

MoveOn members’ endorsement of Ossoff is part of a push to support candidates who are embracing the Affordable Care Act, showing Donald Trump and Republicans that their unpopular pushes to revoke health care from millions will cost them at the ballot box. In addition to Ossoff, MoveOn members in Montana recently endorsed congressional candidate Rob Quist, noting his support for the health-care bill, as well.

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