Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this Petitiongotv ad is completely different but also still brat
washington, d.c. – the nomination of vice president harris as “brat” sparked a major surge of energy for young voters around getting engaged in this year’s presidential election. as reported by nbc news today, moveon political action has launched a “brat”–inspired ad to encourage young infrequent voters to cast their vote by november 5. inspired by the song “guess” from the recently re-released brat album, the $250k+ ad campaign encourages voters to “get it. fill it. lick it. mail it. pull the curtain to the side and vote all up in it. wear ‘em, post ‘em, might remix it. we like voting so let’s go hit it.”
the spot continues moveon’s $1.2 million targeted digital ad campaign in support of harris-walz, as well as key senate and house races. these ads are running in key battleground states, targeting 1.63 million new and infrequent “surge” voters who lean democrat, skew young, and typically voted for the first time after the 2016 election. the ads are served up to voters whom moveon is also contacting by phone and mail as part of its 2024 election program.
“we have been reaching beyond traditional gotv methods to remind young people their vote is their power and can affect our daily lives 365 days of the year” said moveon political action spokesperson britt jacovich. “so tap into your inner brat and don’t let donald trump and maga republicans press rewind. vote for vice president harris and democrats by november 5.”
the 15-second ad will air across digital platforms as online video on meta platforms and will also include parallel .gif programmatic ads.
MoveOn is celebrating 25 years of people-powered progress this year. For more than a generation, MoveOn has built independent political power and mobilized the left to elect Democrats and enact progressive change. MoveOn is a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our collective voices to drive progressive foreign policy, protect democracy, and advance justice for all.