Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionWashington, D.C. – Following reporting that the dark money group No Labels will host a meeting with their 800 “delegates” next week to decide if they will move forward with their third party presidential bid – a race that their own CEO has said they are not in to win – MoveOn Political Action Chief Communications Officer Joel Payne issued the following statement:
“Our question is simple: will they make this meeting open to the press? Will it be livestreamed? And if not, what are they hiding? And why?
While we understand why a dark money organization, funded in part by right-wing super donor Harlen Crow, may not want transparency, the truth of the matter is that if No Labels is going to act like a political party and nominate a candidate for the highest office in this land, than they owe the public transparency.
The Democratic National Convention is televised for the world to see. The Republican National Convention is televised for the world to see. Why wouldn’t the No Labels nominating decision?
No Labels has long claimed to be a ‘good governance’ group. You can’t call yourself a ‘good government group’ if you operate in secret, with dark money and backroom deals.
MoveOn is celebrating 25 years of people-powered progress this year. For more than a generation, MoveOn has built independent political power and mobilized the left to elect Democrats and enact progressive change. MoveOn is a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our collective voices to drive progressive foreign policy, protect democracy, and advance justice for all.