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MoveOn Statement on Arizona Senate Democrats Voting to Protect Abortion Access

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to Arizona Senate Democrats voting to repeal a 160-year-old, near-total abortion ban, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement:

“This isn’t complicated: Democrats will protect abortion access and Republicans will take away our bodily autonomy at every opportunity they have. To be clear, Arizona still has an abortion ban in effect and this doesn’t solve MAGA Republicans’ attacks on reproductive freedom. Arizonans and voters across the country have a choice to make this fall between preserving our fundamental freedoms with Democrats or letting Trump’s Republican Party pass a national abortion ban.”

As reported in The Hill, MoveOn members will come together this week to host election house parties nationwide from May 2-5 as a launchpad for electoral activities to galvanize voters on abortion and reproductive health. Attendees will join one of more than 100 house parties to begin getting the word out to key battleground state voters about the stakes of abortion on the ballot this November.

Earlier than ever in MoveOn’s history, the group is kickstarting the persuasion phase of its $32 million 2024 election program. Throughout the cycle, MoveOn’s volunteers–vote mobilizers–will engage infrequent “surge” voters in target districts, including in Arizona, with three personalized contacts: via handwritten postcards,  phone, and in-person door-knocking, in concert with a targeted digital persuasion and mobilization ad campaign

You can read MoveOn’s election plan memo, detailed in The New York Times, in full here


MoveOn is celebrating 25 years of people-powered progress this year. For more than a generation, MoveOn has built independent political power and mobilized the left to elect Democrats and enact progressive change. MoveOn is a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our collective voices to drive progressive foreign policy, protect democracy, and advance justice for all.

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