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MoveOn Responds to Reports of No Labels Plans to Run an All-Republican “Unity Ticket”

Washington, D.C.In response to news from HuffPost that No Labels is considering putting forward a so-called “unity,” all-Republican ticket, MoveOn Political Action Chief Communications Officer Joel Payne released the following statement:

“No Labels is living in a fantasy world where an all-Republican ticket is ‘bipartisan’ and a third-party ticket with no strategy can win 270 electoral votes. That means No Labels wants to run a national ticket that is hostile to reproductive rights, hostile to workers’ rights, hostile to the interests of young voters, and silent on climate change. 

“This might explain why No Labels refuses to reveal the MAGA-aligned millionaires and billionaires who are funding their bad idea. Let’s be real: No Labels’ dangerous operation isn’t about bringing the country together. Instead, it’s a one-way ticket to Trump back in the White House and our democracy in peril.”


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