In 2021, Democrats temporarily expanded the child tax credit.
Here are the top five ways families used it:
42% said they would use the credit to contribute to a college fund for their child(ren)
49% said they would use the credit to purchase more or better-quality foods for their family
58% said they would use the credit to purchase clothing or other essentials for their child(ren)
67% said they would apply the credit toward housing, food, and utilities
75% said they would use the credit to save for emergencies
Extending this credit would make a huge impact on childhood poverty
<10% |
10-15% |
>15% |
Here's a map of childhood poverty rates around the country before the expanded child tax credit
Here's what would happen if the expanded credit were made permanent
That's over 4 million children lifted out of poverty
While creating new opportunities for millions more middle-class families
Tell Congress:
Make the expanded child tax credit permanent!
The expanded child tax credit expired at the end 2021.
Sign Representative Rosa DeLauro’s petition to Congress that says: Congress must make the expanded child tax credit permanent, which would lift millions of children out of poverty and make life easier for tens of millions of middle- and working-class families.