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ICYMI: RFK Jr. Spews Lies and Unhinged Conspiracies During His Fake “Debate”

RFK Jr. reminded voters of his extreme views on abortion, Ukraine war

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action condemns Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s unhinged spectacle of a “debate” that took place on an X livestream. According to an analysis from FactCheck.org, RFK Jr.’s claims were riddled with lies and falsehoods, some of which include these:

  • Inaccurate claims about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s motives for the invasion.
  • False claims about Donald Trump’s spending while in office, saying Trump “spent more money in office than every president in the United States history combined.” 
  • Outlandish claims that Trump and Biden “shut down every business in our country” during the COVID-19 pandemic and that businesses were forced to close for “no scientific reason.”
  • Misleading claims surrounding pandemic policies’ being used for transferring wealth to billionaires.
  • False claims that SSRI antidepressants are addictive (he’s also previously blamed these antidepressants for the rise in school shootings).

After throwing a temper tantrum because he didn’t qualify to share the debate stage with President Biden and Trump, RFK Jr.’s version of “counter-programming” also included an interview with Dr. Phil. 

“With the MAGA Supreme Court’s dangerous decisions to dismantle the federal government and embolden Trump’s desire for right-wing, authoritarian rule, the stakes are sky high this November, and we cannot allow RFK Jr. to tilt the election in Trump’s favor. Every American needs to know that RFK Jr. is an unhinged conspiracy theorist, and he is not a safe or viable option in this election,” said MoveOn spokesperson Britt Jacovich. “His polling and fundraising numbers are tanking. He has zero path to victory, and it’s obvious Republicans are only using his campaign as a Trojan horse to get Trump back in office.”

Read the entire fact-check of RFK Jr.’s debate claims in this breakdown


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