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ICYMI: Rahna Epting on “Meet the Press NOW” Talks TX and FL Senate Races

Watch “Meet the Press NOW” Clip HERE

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting appeared on “Meet the Press NOW” to discuss the recent Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s multimillion-dollar TV ad buy in Florida and Texas, Vice President Harris’s economic plan, and more. 

Epting noted that Vice President Kamala Harris’s presence in the race has energized Democrats, giving the party a renewed sense of momentum in traditionally challenging states like Florida and Texas. She called Harris’s candidacy an “adrenaline shot in the arms of Democrats,” opening new opportunities for possible Senate victories. 

You can watch Epting’s full appearance here.


MoveOn is celebrating 25 years of people-powered progress this year. For more than a generation, MoveOn has built independent political power and mobilized the left to elect Democrats and enact progressive change. MoveOn is a bulwark against the radical right, channeling our collective voices to drive progressive foreign policy, protect democracy, and advance justice for all.