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ICYMI: Cornel West Courts Anti-Vax Voters After RFK Jr. Drops Out

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today MoveOn Political Action called attention to Cornel West for courting anti-vaccination voters following Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropping out of the race last week. 

In a video posted to X on Sunday and reported on by The Daily Beast, West co-opted RFK Jr.’s dangerous anti-vaccine message, saying, “I want to speak to my brothers and sisters of all colors who are concerned, not just about the vaccine but the role of the pharmaceutical companies in shaping public policy. I propose a COVID-19 Truth Commission to explore the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, seek reparations, and ensure justice and equity in our future responses. We must also challenge the censorship that silences diverse voices in these critical conversations.”

“For months, Cornel West has been colluding with Republican operatives and engaging in dirty tricks to keep his flailing campaign alive. Now, he’s pushing dangerous anti-vaccination rhetoric to appeal to RFK Jr.’s voters,” said MoveOn Chief Communications Officer Joel Payne. “It’s long past time for Dr. West to end this sad campaign, which has served only to tarnish his own legacy while helping Donald Trump.” 

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