SHUT UP AND DO MY NAILS, 99%: What Mitt Romney’s Wealthy Supporters Really Think Of Us

On her way to a $50,000 a plate Romney fundraiser at the Koch’s Hampton estate, this is what one supporter had to say:
On her way to a $50,000 a plate Romney fundraiser at the Koch’s Hampton estate, this is what one supporter had to say:
Spooooky . . .
Truman understood this years ago.
This is all over the internet.
Her story could be your daughter’s story.
Ten years before the Civil War, the city of Rochester, NY asked Frederick Douglass to speak for its July 4, 1852 celebration. Douglass accepted, but rather than join in the ‘celebration’, Douglass took it in an unexpected direction. In this clip, Danny Glover performs part of that speech (hat tip to the Zinn Education Project).
p.s. It’s okay if you want to stop pretending you don’t believe in it anymore. Baby games sometimes get out of hand, no hard feelings.