The No. 1 Reason We’re Drowning In Red Ink

A simple video chart (vart? chardeo?), animated and one minute long, makes it easy for even the GOP to understand what’s going on.
A simple video chart (vart? chardeo?), animated and one minute long, makes it easy for even the GOP to understand what’s going on.
Musicians from around the world perform a beautiful version of the Rolling Stones classic “Gimme Shelter.” Warning: You may want to turn it up and dance!
One very informed female takes a critical look at whether the pop singer’s anthem holds water. Watch:
Whaddya say, was it worth it?
So why don’t you stop frackin’ with it?
We’ve been seeing this all over our news feeds lately. Whether you share our link on Facebook or update your status, we think it’s a great start.
The price is never right at Sea World.
The stark difference between the rich and the poor has never been made clearer. Watch and, more importantly, listen:
Watch Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) break it down in under two minutes.
Jim Gilliam shares his survival story and makes a compelling case that God is in the internet.