AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka: ’12 Million Working Americans Rebuild The Dream’

Made specifically for the Rebuild The Dream campaign, here is a video from the current AFL-CIO President about this honest-to-goodness movement.
Made specifically for the Rebuild The Dream campaign, here is a video from the current AFL-CIO President about this honest-to-goodness movement.
Our jaws dropped when we heard their answers to the question, “Should evolution be taught in schools?” Watch:
It’s happening in Bloomsbergville. It’s happening in Walkerville. And it might be happening soon in your city. There’s only one thing you need to do.
Hint: Not in America. Take a look.
Watch Van Jones call out the lies we keep hearing and inspire a crowd to believe that we can change the course of history.
Funny how some things just don’t make the cut.
There are four key techniques the Koch brothers use to propagate lies about Social Security.
It’s going to be great: part tent revival, part concert, part gripping story about how we can rebuild the American Dream, led by green jobs visionary Van Jones and backed by The Roots and DJ Shepard Fairey.
Sometimes it just feels like GOPers are a bunch of caricatures of themselves. Wait—are they?
Should we remind him it’s his party that’s stripping education funding?