MoveOn Members Tell Congress to Support the Voting Rights Amendment Act

MoveOn members tell Congress to support the Voting Rights Amendment Act.
MoveOn members tell Congress to support the Voting Rights Amendment Act.
Today, is launching a new 50-state campaign to protect and expand voting rights in this country.
Progressives — it’s time to give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve helped stop a potential march to war with Iran.
In a four-way vote, Daylin Leach earned the support of 55% of MoveOn members to garner the official endorsement of the 16,000 MoveOn members in Pennsylvania’s 13th district. Here’s what a few MoveOn members across Pennsylvania’s 13th district had to share about Daylin: “Daylin Leach is a true progressive with exceptional people skills. His […]
Take Action: 1 Create a petition to your member of Congress right now asking them to co-sponsor Rep. Sarbanes’ Government by the People Act. 2 Sign up today to attend or host a rapid response event when the Supreme Court hands down its ruling in McCutcheon vs. FEC, 2014’s Citizens United. Resources: “10 Ways Citizens […]
These two Utah MoveOn members are fighting to uphold a landmark ruling in support of marriage equality.
Mother and daughter, Selena and Julia Martinez, started a petition to CBS News on asking them to tell the whole truth about Obamacare. These two MoveOn members flew to NY to tell their story to CBS, and this is what happened…
While members of Congress take unprecedented sums of money from the oil and gas industry and cast votes to loosen regulations on fracking,1 at the local level we are winning fight after fight.
The Polar Vortex: 3 Reasons Climate Deniers’ Claims are Full of Hot Air
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