Robert Reich Explains America’s Koch Problem

Robert Reich explains how America has a Koch problem.
Robert Reich explains how America has a Koch problem.
MoveOn members are organizing America Has a Koch Problem house parties June 28 & 29 — sign up to find or host one in your community.
MoveOn member Kyley Scarlet created a MoveOn petition requesting First Lady Michelle Obama speak at the 2014 UC Santa Barbara graduation. Vice President Biden took note, and sent this response, WATCH: Click the link to sign Kyley’s petition.h/t to UC Santa Barbara’s Vimeo page for the clip.
Watch the trailer for Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition and then sign up to host an “America Has a Koch Problem” movie party on Saturday, June 28 or Sunday, June 29. It’s time we quit Koch. Click here to find a movie party near you, or host a movie party of your own.
Comcast and Verizon executives are hoping you won’t watch this hilarious exposé of their plan to pad their profits and control what you see–and don’t see–online. We have until May 15 to make enough noise to stop the corporate takeover of the Internet. Watch on to see what’s at stake–and invite your friends. The length […]
Huge news: Yesterday, Michael Bloomberg announced that he’ll spend $50 million this year on political campaigning for gun reform. That’s more than the NRA will spend on campaigning against it.
It’s like political background noise: Every time politicians debate immigration reform, someone starts banging on the table, saying we have to “secure the border.”
If we really want to grow our economy and lift workers out of poverty, then we should really be talking about raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and not even debating anything lower than $10.10.
MoveOn members joined Anna Galland outside the courthouse in Baton Rouge yesterday after the hearing on our billboard, which calls out Gov. Jindal for blocking Medicaid for 242,000 Louisianans, to send a clear signal that, whatever the outcome, we’re not backing down.
Statement by Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action, responding to the Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC which struck down aggregate limits on campaign spending by an individual: