Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionThe 5-figure ad buy builds on work by and Common Defense PAC to lift up voices of veterans saying Trump is supremely unqualified to be our commander-in-chief.
Watch the “Blue Falcon” Facebook ad:
A new video ad featuring female military veterans opposing Donald Trump and blasting him as a “blue falcon” will reach voters in key swing states beginning on Monday, calling on voters to reject Trump on Election Day.
Titled “Blue Falcon,” the video features women veterans — three of whom served in Iraq — sharing their powerful stories and telling American voters why Trump is bad for veterans and servicemembers and unfit to serve as commander-in-chief. The raw, unvarnished straight talk of these veterans makes the video stand out from typical political ads. The title “Blue Falcon” references a military jargon term for someone who is dangerously selfish and unreliable.
The video, which was produced by Political Action in partnership with Common Defense PAC, is being distributed through an inital five-figure Facebook ad buy and will be delivered to female veteran voters, military households, and similar constituencies in seven battleground states (North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, Ohio, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire), and promoted nationwide via social media. In addition, the veterans in the video have launched a crowdfunding campaign to reach even more undecided voters and independents in swing states.
Watch “Blue Falcon” Ad:
“As a proud Army veteran woman of Mexican heritage, who served her country honorably in Iraq, it is my patriotic duty to stand up to hatred and bigotry,” said Army Veteran Wendy B. “Veterans know what a hard day’s work is, what honor is, what it means to have your battle buddy’s back, and to be loyal to our country. We didn’t make excuses when our country called on us to serve.”
The ad builds on a months-long campaign by veterans, Common Defense PAC, and to stand up to Trump. More than 120,000 people have signed a petition urging GOP leaders to reject Trump. #VetsAgainstTrump advocates argue that Trump’s rhetoric and proposed policies will put the United States at risk both domestically and abroad. Read more here.
“I am a survivor of military sexual assault, and I know that when Trump makes excuses about his ‘locker room talk,’ he disrespects and erases veterans like me,” said Army Veteran Crystal C. “He cares more about his image than our soldiers. We fought for our country, but Trump would not fight for us.”
In addition, has released dozens of videos highlighting Trump’s dangerous foreign policy proposals and offensive comments about our military and veterans; see MoveOn videos here.
“Growing up in a coal mining family in the South, I was taught about the values of integrity and being true to my word. Trump and integrity should never be used in the same sentence,” said Navy Veteran Trina M. “As a military service member I was always held accountable for my words and actions regardless of the day, month or year. Why does Trump think he shouldn’t have to live up to the same standards as the rest of us?”
To speak with or Common Defense PAC about this campaign, or to interview the veterans featured in the video, please contact