This Man Was Wrongly Imprisoned for 40 Years. Help Him Get Justice.

Louis Taylor saved people from a fire, yet he was sent to jail for starting it — all because of the color of his skin.
Louis Taylor saved people from a fire, yet he was sent to jail for starting it — all because of the color of his skin.
“I am not a prop!” says Madison Kimrey. “I am part of the new generation of suffragettes, and I will not stand silent!”
It’s hard to believe that in nearly 30 states, you can still be fired for being gay.
There is an automatic cut scheduled for November 1st which will skim roughly $5 billion from the federal food-stamp program over the next year. What does that mean for the 47 million Americans receiving benefits? According to The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities “the cut is equivalent to about 16 meals a month for a family of three…”
It’s about time.
More than two dozen MoveOn members from the Pittsburgh area recently met up to discuss issues that matter most to them.
Here’s what you need to know about fracking — and why it’s not such a good idea to blast the earth with a toxic chemical soup.
When the Board of Education in Union, New Jersey, threatened to end the township’s highly successful Fall Academy program for local students, area resident Jeff Monge started a MoveOn Petition asking them to reinstate the Fall Academy.
Eight kids and teens die from gunshot wounds every day, and gun-related deaths have been increasing in the U.S. since 2000. It’s time to make this stop.
The New York Times‘ tendency to report on budget numbers without contextualizing them was a problem—especially in light of the recent federal budget crisis. That’s why MoveOn member (and former staffer) Daniel Mintz and Robert Naiman of Just Foreign Policy started MoveOn Petitions to Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan, asking her to institute a policy of always reporting budget numbers with percentages or comparisons.