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VICTORY: University of Virginia Recommits to Funding Low-Income Students

Last year, the University of Virginia announced plans to slash $6 billion from its budget by decreasing funding for the AccessUVA program, which offers grants to low-income students. That’s why U.Va. alumnus Mary Nguyen Barry teamed up with the organization I Am Not A Loan to start a MoveOn Petition to the U.Va. Board of Visitors, demanding that the school reinstate its no-loan policy for talented, very low-income students.

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Daylin Leach for Congress!

In a four-way vote, Daylin Leach earned the support of 55% of MoveOn members to garner the official endorsement of the 16,000 MoveOn members in Pennsylvania’s 13th district.  Here’s what a few MoveOn members across Pennsylvania’s 13th district had to share about Daylin:   “Daylin Leach is a true progressive with exceptional people skills. His […]

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VICTORY: Judge Reprimanded for 31-Day Rape Sentencing

In August 2013, Montana Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced a former high school teacher to just 31 days in prison for the repeated rape of a 14-year-old student. Disturbingly, Baugh argued that the victim was “older than her chronological age” and “as much in control of the situation” as her 49-year-old rapist. That’s why Billings, Montana, resident Kate Olp started a MoveOn Petition urging Judge Baugh to resign.

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VICTORY: Shell Oil’s Plans for Unsafe Arctic Drilling Halted

In November of 2013, Shell Oil announced plans to drill in the waters of America’s Arctic Ocean, a plan that threatened the wildlife, human communities, and environmental stability of the region. That’s why the organization Earthjustice started a MoveOn Petition asking the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to keep the Arctic free of unsafe oil drilling.

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VICTORY: Justice for Snarf’s Sub Shop Workers

Twenty employees at Snarf’s in Chicago, including workers who had been at the sandwich shop for years, received an email three days before Christmas informing them they were being terminated without any notice. The CEO promised the workers an additional week of wages as compensation for the unjust firing, but broke his promise. That’s why Kevin Brown, who had worked at Snarf’s for two and a half years, started a MoveOn Petition to CEO Jim Seidel.

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The Super Bowl Ad You Didn’t See

The National Congress of American Indians released this powerful ad for their Change the Mascot campaign just in time for the Super Bowl. Sign the petition if you support a name change for the Washington Redskins.

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VICTORY: President Obama Jump-starts Fair Wage Fight

Across the country, MoveOn members are fighting hard for livable salaries for low-wage workers. The leading employer of low-wage workers? The federal government itself. That’s why Heather McGhee of the organization Demos started a MoveOn Petition to President Obama, asking him to use his State of the Union address to announce a “Good Jobs” executive order that would raise the wages of federal contract workers.

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