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America Has a Koch Problem Movie Party

CitizensUnited 2.0

Watch the trailer for Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition and then sign up to host an “America Has a Koch Problem” movie party on Saturday, June 28 or Sunday, June 29. It’s time we quit Koch. Click here to find a movie party near you, or host a movie party of your own.  

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Elizabeth Warren and Thomas Piketty: A Winning Combination

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Dr. Thomas Piketty Discuss Economic Inequality During June 2, 2014 HuffPo Interview

On Monday, June 2, 2014, MoveOn.org members gathered online to watch a special conversation on income inequality with Senator Elizabeth Warren and acclaimed economist Thomas Piketty — and the event was a resounding hit. With talk of progressive populism and the richest 1% now a deeper part of the national debate in America, the pairing of […]

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Elizabeth Warren & Thomas Piketty introduce online premiere of their interview for MoveOn members

Tonight, more than 10,000 MoveOn members will gather virtually for the online launch of a landmark conversation between Senator Elizabeth Warren and economist Thomas Piketty about the challenge of economic inequality in America. Sen. Warren and Dr. Piketty each have a book on the current New York Times bestseller list: Warren’s A Fighting Chance and Piketty’s Capital […]

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NY MoveOn members support a progressive challenger to Gov. Cuomo

 Here’s what a few MoveOn members shared: “Instead of representing New Yorkers who want progressive solutions to growing economic inequality, Cuomo is siding with employers and Wall Street because he thinks that will help his presidential ambitions,” wrote David L., a MoveOn member from Brooklyn, as he responded to the survey. “We need a governor […]

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.