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America Has a Koch Problem Movie Party

CitizensUnited 2.0

Watch the trailer for Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition and then sign up to host an “America Has a Koch Problem” movie party on Saturday, June 28 or Sunday, June 29. It’s time we quit Koch. Click here to find a movie party near you, or host a movie party of your own.  

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Elizabeth Warren and Thomas Piketty: A Winning Combination

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Dr. Thomas Piketty Discuss Economic Inequality During June 2, 2014 HuffPo Interview

On Monday, June 2, 2014, MoveOn.org members gathered online to watch a special conversation on income inequality with Senator Elizabeth Warren and acclaimed economist Thomas Piketty — and the event was a resounding hit. With talk of progressive populism and the richest 1% now a deeper part of the national debate in America, the pairing of […]

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Elizabeth Warren & Thomas Piketty introduce online premiere of their interview for MoveOn members

Tonight, more than 10,000 MoveOn members will gather virtually for the online launch of a landmark conversation between Senator Elizabeth Warren and economist Thomas Piketty about the challenge of economic inequality in America. Sen. Warren and Dr. Piketty each have a book on the current New York Times bestseller list: Warren’s A Fighting Chance and Piketty’s Capital […]

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.