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Dozens of National Organizations Run Full-Page ‘We Are Better Than This’ Ad in New York Times, Urge Politicians to Denounce Hate and Division

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, December 10, 2015 CONTACT: Brian Stewart | 319.936.3901 | press@moveon.org *** SEE THE FULL-PAGE TIMES AD HERE: http://bit.ly/1SPayMb *** *** SEE THE CAMPAIGN WEBSITE HERE: WeAreBetterThanThis.com *** More than 700 groups and individuals are backing the campaign, including MoveOn.org, the National Domestic Workers Alliance, United We Dream, Center for Community Change, […]

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MoveOn response to Donald Trump’s fascist remarks

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action:  “Donald Trump’s hate-driven rhetoric has crossed a line into fascism. Proposals like the one Trump made today are un-American and have no place in our politics. Every elected official and candidate—in both parties—should feel a moral obligation to clearly and immediately condemn Trump and stand strong against […]

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MoveOn response to Donald Trump’s fascist remarks

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action:   “Donald Trump’s hate-driven rhetoric has crossed a line into fascism. Proposals like the one Trump made today are un-American and have no place in our politics. Every elected official and candidate—in both parties—should feel a moral obligation to clearly and immediately condemn Trump and stand strong […]

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MoveOn on Senate vote on amendments to strengthen our gun laws

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, offered the following statement in response to the tragic shooting in San Bernardino on Wednesday and the Senate’s vote today on amendments that would strengthen our gun laws: “The tragedy in San Bernardino yesterday was horrific. We join with people across our nation in grieving the loss […]

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MoveOn Gun Owners, American Coalition for Responsible Gun Ownership Respond to San Bernardino Shooting

The following statement represents the views of gun-owning MoveOn.org members who recently traveled to Washington, DC to urge elected officials to address the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. MoveOn launched Gun Owners for Gun Control after the mass shooting at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College; the group now includes more than 32,000 gun […]

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The video the NRA doesn’t want you to see: MoveOn gun owners in DC

When 15 gun owners sat down with one of President Obama’s closest advisors last week, each one declared their full-throated support for stronger gun laws—and asked for the president to use his executive authority to strengthen background check requirements before the end of the year. Thanks to contributions from fellow MoveOn members, these gun owners […]

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Candidate Responses to Paris Terrorist Attacks

The MoveOn 2016 Presidential Forum was recorded before the tragic attacks in Paris and Beirut. We’ve included statements that participating candidates—Senator Bernie Sanders and Governor Martin O’Malley—made in the days following the attack. Secretary Hillary Clinton declined to participate in the forum and is not included here. Click here to view the full 2016 Presidential […]

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An update on our refugee work this week

[sent to MoveOn members on Nov. 21] Dear MoveOn member, Over the last week, in the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris and Beirut, we’ve seen many of our nation’s politicians rush toward fearmongering and bigotry. We have also seen MoveOn members and our partners at their very best—fighting fear with compassion on the […]

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