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MoveOn statement on Obama proposing to expand Social Security benefits

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, responded to President Obama’s statement in support of expanding Social Security: “MoveOn members nationwide applaud President Obama’s call to expand Social Security, a significant new policy and a testament to work of grassroots activists who changed our national dialogue from one of ‘grand bargains’ that hurt seniors […]

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Iowan MoveOn members to Sen. Chuck Grassley: Do your job!

On May 9 and 10, Iowa MoveOn members traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with their senior Senator, Chuck Grassley. As former voters and supporters of Sen. Grassley, they delivered a powerful message that only voters can give: Sen. Grassley, you’ve lost our respect and our vote by playing politics with the Supreme Court. The […]

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Sanders Victory in Indiana Is Evidence His Ideas Are the Future of the Democratic Party

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to Bernie Sanders’ win in the Indiana Democratic Primary this evening: Tonight’s victory for Bernie Sanders provides more evidence that his ideas are the future of the Democratic Party. If Democrats want to ensure victory in November it’s imperative that they embrace Bernie […]

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Watch now: How does Trump keep winning?

Last night, hate-fueled candidate Donald Trump overwhelmingly won the primary elections in five different states. Now, he is 284 delegates away from being the Republican nominee for president.1 How does this keep happening? Amy Goodman, producer of “Democracy Now!,” recently sat down with AJ+ to explain the media’s role in this election. See the segment below: […]

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