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MoveOn statement on DNC leadership

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, on the growing smear campaign against Rep. Keith Ellison: “As a Jewish refugee from the former Soviet Union, and as someone who’s worked closely with Keith Ellison for years, I know Keith Ellison represents the diverse and inclusive vision the Democratic Party needs to stand […]

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MoveOn statement on Pelosi’s candidacy for House Democratic Leader

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, on Nancy Pelosi’s candidacy for House Democratic Leader:   “After this election, progressives expect Democrats in Congress to stand up for communities targeted by Donald Trump and to do all they can to resist his dangerous and bigoted agenda, which Americans rejected in the national […]

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MoveOn to Democrats: No Collaboration With Trump’s Hate

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, in response to reports that Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer and other Senate Democrats are looking to “align with many proposals of President-elect Donald J. Trump” in coming months: “It is unacceptable for Democratic leadership to normalize Trump and collaborate with him so long as he continues […]

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Election debrief: Thank you, join a United Against Hate debrief call

Dear MoveOn Member, Last week’s election was devastating, but it’s important to say this: The work you did as part of the United Against Hate campaign was essential and, in many ways, laid the groundwork we’ll need to build on as we take on our most challenging effort ever—standing up to a Trump administration. Whether you […]

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MoveOn statement on Trump’s hiring of white supremacist as top advisor

Statement from MoveOn.org National Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre on hiring of white supremacist as top advisor to Trump: “If there was any question whether Donald Trump would become less racist or divisive after entering the Oval Office, his choosing of the anti-semitic, white supremacist leader Steve Bannon to serve as his chief strategist and senior counsel […]

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Clarification about nationwide protests and MoveOn

We’ve seen false reports circulating on on right-wing blogs and in right-wing media outlets known for inaccurate reporting that MoveOn.org is organizing protests taking place across the country this weekend. Those reports are incorrect. In addition, we have seen false ads on social media sites purporting to be from MoveOn offering payment for protestors. Those […]

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Looking for a way to fight back?

The election outcome has many of us anguished, grieving, full of anger and shock. If you’re interested in organizing together to prevent the damage of a Trump presidency, please join the MoveOn community — we’ll be strategizing and taking action together in the weeks and months to come. You can join our email list by clicking […]

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Reflections on the 2016 Election

This is a disaster. We fought our hearts out to avert this reality. But now it’s here. The new president-elect and many of his most prominent supporters have targeted, demeaned, and threatened millions of us—and millions of our friends, family, and loved ones. Both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands. We are entering an […]

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It’s Election Day!

Today, the direction of our country is in your hands. Today is our chance to defeat Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton, help win back the Senate, and do everything we can to turn this into a wave election for progressive candidates, so that we relegate Trump’s racist, sexist, xenophobic, and hateful campaign to the […]

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