WI Dem Questions The GOP: ‘How Do You Go Home And Feel Good About Yourselves?’

And isn’t that what all of us with empathy, everywhere, wonder about Republicans? Watch:
And isn’t that what all of us with empathy, everywhere, wonder about Republicans? Watch:
How can the GOP keep dishonoring the principles America was founded on?
We bet you know a lot of them (we’ve got ’em in our families, too).
Tim Pawlenty’s budget calls for tax cuts that are four times larger than the Bush tax cuts.
House Republicans think cutting Medicare will solve the budget crisis. Watch smart Senate Democrats rip apart this faulty GOP logic.
Think of all the rights that wouldn’t have been won in this country without this kind of fearless activism.
It’s like a sick joke was played on America and the workers are the punchline—not funny.
In this excellent clip, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gives a refreshing view of things to come.
This looney tunes tea partier wants to dismantle the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, which is funny because you’d think she’d be concerned about the health of her 23 foster children, not to mention other peoples’ children.
It’s about time.