Why Bernie Sanders Voted Against The Debt Deal

The debt deal is grotesquely unfair, and just plain bad economic policy.
The debt deal is grotesquely unfair, and just plain bad economic policy.
And the rest of the GOP, too.
It’s like legislative sleight of hand.
Watch his powerful speech.
No, not really. But these charts are a hella funny way to come down from the anxiety of the debt ceiling crisis.
Presented to you in a simple, vintage-style format. Watch: Found on itsyournature’s Vimeo channel. Originally submitted by volunteer editor Jayne F.
Walker and his cronies are trying to make sure certain populations have a hard time voting.
COis a prominent greenhouse gas, which greatly affects the temperature of the Earth. The above graph shows where the levels have jumped to since the Industrial Revolution. Scary, isn’t it?
How do you like them apples?
Things in Washington seem to be getting bad so quickly. Isn’t it time to slow it down?