How Do You Spell ‘Awesome’ In Four Letters?

Sometimes we wish he would just come out and tell us how he really feels.
You want to know how corporations get away with everything they do? Matt Taibbi explains all. Watch:
It’s a little different than the mainstream media is portraying it.
And we really are, aren’t we?
After pledging to co-sponsor the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and “do more for the gay community than the late Ted Kennedy,” this GOP presidential hopeful decided to sign the National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM) anti-gay group pledge.
It’s called the Protect IP Bill, and it’s headed for a computer near you.
What is it?
The unemployment rate (dark purple line) would be a lot lower if John Boehner and the tea party hadn’t forced cuts that led to pink slips for all those federal, state, and municipal employees (pink line). Take a look: