Michele Bachmann: Natural Disasters Are God’s Way Of Trying To Get Politicians’ Attention

Thanks for being the religious right’s little messenger from God, Michele!
Thanks for being the religious right’s little messenger from God, Michele!
The religious right wanted to infiltrate politics then, too. Watch:
In Rick Perry’s world, the government is “pharaoh” and we are all “slaves.”
Yeah, it’s pretty sweet . . .
**This graphic is intended as a joke. The statements above are not intended to be taken literally. Just in case you got confused for a moment. ;)
This is like a crystal ball into your future. Look . . .
The Keystone XL pipeline, stretching from Alberta, Canada, all the way down to Texas, would jeopardize ecosystems, pollute precious water sources, and put people’s health at risk. President Obama has the power to stop the construction of this pipeline—and so do you.
Dennis has the data—and this conservative doctor does not.
He’d be shocked at what the GOP has become.
Do your hearts dare to hope this big? Ours do.