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MoveOn.org Projects ‘Investigate Trump, Investigate Sessions’ on DOJ Building on Eve of House Judiciary Hearing on Sessions-Focused Resolution of Inquiry

Projection released after resolution is voted down by Republicans to send a clear and public message that Americans want the truth about Trump and Sessions, and their many entanglements with Russia. ** See a video of the projection here: http://bit.ly/2oc4VT2 ** ** Download photos of the projection here: http://bit.ly/2nAYW8W ** WASHINGTON, DC – On Tuesday evening, hours before the House […]

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Virginia stops anti-immigrant bill

A bill was making its way through the Virginia Legislature that would have forced teachers to aid immigration enforcement officers and reveal sensitive information about their students. Catherine Carey, who started a petition on MoveOn.org to oppose this bill, delivered more than 3,800 signatures and testified alongside DREAMer activists to successfully stop this bill from […]

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CREDO, MoveOn.org, Peace Action, and Win Without War Pledge to Resist Any Trump Administration Effort to Propel the United States into a War of Choice

Over the last weeks, major news outlets have reported increased civilian casualties resulting from U.S.-led bombings in Syria and Iraq.  Earlier this month, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that at least 42 people were killed in an airstrike on a mosque in the village of Al Jinah.  Later that week, the U.S. reportedly […]

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MoveOn.org Files Federal Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Nunes for Violating Espionage Act, House Rules

MoveOn: Nunes’ unauthorized disclosure of classified information for ‘blatantly political purposes’ … ’implicates the integrity of the House’ and its role in oversight. Congress must stop all business and focus on the creation of an independent commission and the appointment of a special prosecutor. ** Link: Read the full complaint here. WASHINGTON, DC — MoveOn.org Civic […]

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MoveOn Reacts to House Failure to Vote on the AHCA: Incredible Win for the Resistance

Moments ago, the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives decided not to hold a vote on the American Health Care Act, halting—at least for now—the wildly unpopular effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. In reaction to this news, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, released the following statement: “This incredible win […]

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#KillTheBill Rally at the U.S. Capitol

The House of Representatives will vote on the horrible #Trumpcare bill this afternoon. This repeal defunds Planned Parenthood, guts Medicaid, increases costs, and takes health coverage away from millions of Americans (oh, the wealthy get a major tax break too).   As they vote, we need to raise our voices and demand they vote NO […]

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Progressive and Social Justice Groups Representing Tens of Millions Push Back On Reports Of A Possible ‘Deal’ On Gorsuch

More Than 20 Groups Send Letter To Senate Democrats Saying Any Deal To Confirm Gorsuch Would Be “A Betrayal Of The Communities You Represent” Today, more than 20 leading progressive groups led by NARAL Pro-Choice America, MoveOn.org, and Color Of Change sent a letter to all Democratic senators demanding they reject any “deal” that would […]

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MoveOn Statement on Reports that Democrats are Weighing Deal to Approve Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

This evening, POLITICO reported that a group of Senate Democrats were exploring a potential deal with Republicans that would allow Neil Gorsuch to be confirmed to the Supreme Court in exchange for a promise from Republicans not to kill the filibuster for any subsequent vacancy on the Court during President Trump’s term. In reaction, Jo […]

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