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MoveOn.org Launches New TV, Digital Ads in GA-06 with Six-Figure Buy Focused on Health Care

*** “RESPONSIBLE”: https://youtu.be/nKpLk9RmSkU *** *** “THE VOID”: https://youtu.be/OvCf_p7Cyws *** The 30-second spots highlight Ossoff’s support for the Affordable Care Act, drawing strong contrast with the deeply unpopular Trump/GOP health care plan. GEORGIA — MoveOn.org Political Action launched a series of TV and digital ads in Georgia today in support of progressive House candidate Jon Ossoff, who […]

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MoveOn.org statement on Trump ordering missile strikes targeting Syria

In response to confirmed reports that Donald Trump ordered more than 50 Tomahawk missiles to strike Syria tonight, without Congressional approval, Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following statement: “This illegal and unauthorized escalation could have devastating consequences, killing innocent Syrians and costing the lives of U.S. service members. “Let’s be […]

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MoveOn Blasts GOP for Going Nuclear Over Gorsuch, Warns of Dramatic Shift in Balance on the Supreme Court

Praises Democrats for Strong Resistance to Trump’s Court Pick Moments ago, Republicans in the Senate invoked the “nuclear option,” changing long-standing Senate rules to push through Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch without the previously required 60 vote threshold. In reaction, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, issued the following statement: “Today’s action […]

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Rep. Nunes steps down in response to MoveOn’s & other ethics complaints

Statement from Jo Comerford, campaign director for MoveOn.org Civic Action, in response to Rep. Devin Nunes stepping aside from his role leading the House Intelligence Committee investigation after MoveOn.org and other public interest groups filed federal ethics complaints and after the committee opened an investigation into his actions: “Devin Nunes’ decision to step aside from […]

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MoveOn statement on Bannon being removed from NSC

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, in response to Steve Bannon’s removal from the National Security Council: “The removal of white supremacist and conspiracy theorist Steve Bannon from the National Security Council will make America safer. MoveOn members and other Americans taking action via allied organizations generated 1.1 million signatures calling […]

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MoveOn.org Bars Petition Users From Promoting, Driving Traffic to WhiteHouse.Gov As Trump Signs Bill to Eliminate Browsing Privacy

WASHINGTON, DC — Hours after Donald Trump signed legislation that allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to sell customers’ browsing data, a major blow to Americans’ freedom, MoveOn.org is announcing a change to its Terms of Service to bar MoveOn.org Petitions users from promoting petitions hosted on or driving traffic to the White House website during […]

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MoveOn GA-06 Poll: Strong Lead for Ossoff in Primary, Building on Voters’ Overwhelming Opposition to Health Care Repeal Efforts

Ossoff holding strong lead in open primary, showing strong contrast to the deeply unpopular Trump/GOP health care plan. View a summary of the poll findings here: http://bit.ly/2oSBPEI Georgia House candidate Jon Ossoff has a clear lead in the open primary, as voters in the district name health care as their top issue and express a […]

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MoveOn statement on Dems clearing 41-vote threshold needed to stop Gorsuch nomination

Statement from Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action: “Resistance activists nationwide are cheering for the vast majority of Senate Democrats who have united to deny Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, the 60 votes required for confirmation. “Especially as Donald Trump and his administration are under criminal investigation for potentially having colluded […]

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