UPDATE: Marine Vet Scott Olsen, From #OccupyOakland, Relearning Speech

The Marine vet who was assaulted by cops in Oakland, CA has returned from the hospital and, via Google+, commented on his recovery:
The Marine vet who was assaulted by cops in Oakland, CA has returned from the hospital and, via Google+, commented on his recovery:
It makes perfect sense.
What we don’t know can hurt us. Watch:
Look who came down for an unplugged jam session!
A wonderful new clip from the folks who brought us ‘The Story Of Stuff.’
Watch first, and then . . .
Filmed in February when the attacks against working people in Wisconsin first began, this vet believes in freedom.
On Tuesday, Mississippi voters shot down the extreme anti-choice and anti-woman Initiative 26.
At #OccupyBerkeley yesterday, these cops decided to get out their ‘batons’ (a.k.a. clubs) and . . . well, watch:
Take that, Wall Street banks!