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MoveOn: House Could Pass Trojan Horse Bill Without Conference Committee

Statement of MoveOn.org Washington Director Ben Wikler: “The Senate today is poised to consider health care repeal legislation that will take away care from 16 million people, raise premiums by 20 percent or more, destabilize the insurance markets and our economy, and de-fund Planned Parenthood. “Many in the media and elsewhere are mistakenly treating this […]

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MoveOn Responds to Senate Vote to Proceed on Health Care Bill

MoveOn: Republicans Are Defying Constituents by Moving One Step Closer to Trumpcare; Fight is Far From Over Moments ago, the Senate voted to proceed to consider legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take away health care from tens of millions of Americans. With the passage of this procedural vote, the repeal legislation will […]

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MoveOn members make 10k calls to Senate today; hold 100+ door-to-door canvasses nationwide

** Since this morning, MoveOn members have made more than 10,000 calls to Senate offices, urging every senator to oppose the dangerous GOP-led effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act . ** MOVEON MEMBERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY CANVASS THEIR NEIGHBORS, TALKING HEALTH CARE: As part of MoveOn.org’s #ResistanceSummer organizing program, MoveOn members across the nation […]

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MoveOn Members in Detroit Endorse Garlin Gilchrist II for City Clerk

In endorsement, members praise Gilchrist’s record of making government and elections accessible and engaging to constituents. DETROIT — Detroit members of MoveOn.org Political Action have voted overwhelmingly to endorse Garlin Gilchrist II in the race for the city’s City Clerk, with 62% of votes cast in favor of backing Gilchrist. In the endorsement vote, members […]

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MoveOn on Health Care Bill: This Is a Big Victory … For Now

‘We Know Republicans Won’t Give Up, And Neither Will We’ Statement of Anna Galland, Executive Director of MoveOn.org Civic Action: “For the more than 20 million Americans who would have lost their coverage, the apparent collapse of the GOP health care bill is a relief. For the hundreds of thousands of activists who called their […]

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New MoveOn ‘Crickets’ TV Ads Blast Five House Republicans for Silence on Russia Collusion After Trump Jr. Emails; Ads Are Among First to Call for Impeachment

*** SEE THE ADS HERE: http://bit.ly/2uZUfHc *** The TV ads—MoveOn’s first in support of its call for Donald Trump’s impeachment, and airing during Sunday morning shows in key districts—call out Reps. Darrell Issa (CA), Scott Tipton (CO), Mike Coffman (CO), Jason Lewis (MN), and Don Bacon (NE) for refusing to hold Trump accountable following new […]

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