A Perfect Quote To Share With Friends Who Think Politics Is Beneath Them
What their ignorance means for the rest of us.
What their ignorance means for the rest of us.
We know, that sounds like we’re just trying very hard to get a Mitt Romney clip to be seen by a lot of people even though it’s probably boring as heck. But this is not that. At all.
It’s almost like George had a pair of magic, look-into-the-future glasses.
This guy actually gets what the war on women is all about.
Prank or pattern?
She deleted it after getting a ton of responses, saying, ‘Im not sorry 4feelings, but i was not kind.’
Your thoughts?
We wouldn’t want anyone to miss this important 2-minute distinction.
Ever watched some out-of-touch guy really step in it with a woman and have hell to pay? Well, it’s like that times millions.
Is this the kind of budget that you want to see? It happens to be the Paul Ryan/GOP budget, which Mitt Romney has declared to be ‘marvelous.’