SHOCKING FOOTAGE: Scott Walker Discussing Plan To ‘Divide And Conquer’ Wisconsin
In a meeting with a Koch brothers’ strategist one month before he unveiled his hurtful bill, he said this:
In a meeting with a Koch brothers’ strategist one month before he unveiled his hurtful bill, he said this:
This man thinks he’s better than all of us—gay, poor, middle class. Think he’s going to represent the interests of anyone who’s not in his country club or fraternity? Think again.
Cameron and Mitchell, anyone?
And her only weapon was this homemade sign.
That’s gotta hurt . . .
From the bottom of your soul, you know this man is not an acceptable option. Please share.
From the bottom of your soul, you know this man is not an acceptable option. Please share.
From the bottom of your soul, you know this man is not an acceptable option. Please share.
And embracing their local community banks and credit unions!
And let me be very clear: