How 34 States Are Adding To A Rape Victim’s Nightmare

Our jaws are on the floor too.
Our jaws are on the floor too.
As someone who would benefit from Romney’s tax breaks, Barack Obama can think of better things to do with your tax dollars.
Your checklist for what constitutes “legitimate rape” in under two minutes.
Really, this is such a simple concept.
I was five when I first learned about a man named Martin Luther King.
What if the news media actually reported stories like this?
Think it’s just because he was born into a better set of circumstances than 99% of Americans? Well, maybe that actually is it right there.
Ladies, run. Run and vote like any decision you’ll ever make about your body depends on it.
They’ve been fighting this battle for years. They have a message at the end of the video for anyone who tries to stop them.
Aside from the obviously racist “Birther” element, of course, there’s this: