Eight Outspoken Grannies Have A Few Thoughts On ‘Legitimate Rape’ That You Don’t Want To Miss
They’ve been fighting this battle for years. They have a message at the end of the video for anyone who tries to stop them.
They’ve been fighting this battle for years. They have a message at the end of the video for anyone who tries to stop them.
Aside from the obviously racist “Birther” element, of course, there’s this:
This is so satisfying!
Step 1: Share this.
Step 2: Vote on November 6th like your future and the future of everyone you know depends on it. Because it does.
We could have done without this one!
There is a groundswell of voices like theirs rising to shake things up. Can you please pass this along to someone who might want to join them?
Because when your campaign is based entirely on deceit, things begin to crumble . . .
Malia and Sasha. He is like any great dad, standing up for the future of his children.
This needs to be shared. We can’t go back.
Huge thanks to actor and activist Lisa Edelstein for saying what needs to be said and starring in our video. Watch:
An amazing clip!