YES! Soledad O’Brien Gives Another Much Needed Reality Check To A Right Wing Complainer

He calls Martha Raddatz “atrocious.” Big mistake. WATCH:
He calls Martha Raddatz “atrocious.” Big mistake. WATCH:
The economist championing the middle class gives his take on how it went. A MoveOn exclusive.
The consensus is that Martha Raddatz killed it last night. She shares her viewpoint on it.
Martha Raddatz, you are one unflappable moderator.
When Biden Asks ‘Who Do You Trust On This?’, You Give The Man An Answer
When Biden Asks ‘Who Do You Trust On This?’, You Give The Man An Answer
Biden reveals his hypocrisy in attacking Obama’s Libyan policy.
Joe Biden sums up Paul Ryan’s comments in ONE word.
Wow. Here’s one of the many reasons we can’t afford more war:
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